Healthy diet

Val Hutson on a healthy diet: As a Healthy Lifestyles Nutritionist in Blackpool I have the pleasure of talking to young people about a healthy diet and what an interesting, funny and resilient bunch I’ve come across. When primary school pupils were given the opportunity to build a healthier lunch ...

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Instil a sense of hope

During the summer holidays on the 23rd August 2019, the Resilience Revolution supported a group of young people to build up their confidence before starting high school. A week before beginning their high school journey nerves began to build up. As a group we worked on the Resilient Move ‘instil a ...

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Solving problems

Aiming Higher provide support to disabled children and their families, living in Blackpool, Fylde and Wyre.  As such we are using the Resilient Move ‘Solving Problems’ every day and hopefully giving our families and young people the information and tools to start problem solving for themselves. We are lucky enough ...

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