Be brave

Being brave is something that has changed who I am as a person. When I was younger, I experienced bullying – for who I was, what I looked like and for losing my Mum. This impacted me as a person and made me lose confidence. As a result of this, ...

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Organise yourself

Use helpful habits which work for you! Finding new habits and using them to stay organised is important to help keep you on top of your home life and school life. These habits not only help you remember things, for example your homework, but can also help reduce your stress ...

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Highlight achievements

By Gregor, a member of the HeadStart team: Highlighting achievements for me is looking back on things that I have done well, and skills I have gained and how I achieve new things in the future. In 2016, I started with Project Search who helped me to gain work experience ...

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Play and hobbies

Brett Whitehead on Hobbies: The move ‘Play and Hobbies’ may sound simple, but it’s key for a well-balanced life. Things can get pretty intense from time to time. Making time with friends or doing a hobby is really important. Having fun helps improve your mood and releases endorphins (natural hormones that ...

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