Aiming Higher provide support to disabled children and their families, living in Blackpool, Fylde and Wyre.  As such we are using the Resilient Move ‘Solving Problems’ every day and hopefully giving our families and young people the information and tools to start problem solving for themselves.

We are lucky enough to have a team of family support workers who can help families create strategies to manage the challenges life throws at them, be these financial, emotional, educational or behavioural.

We also have a team of counsellors who can help adult family members to work through problems themselves.  We host weekend trips and events to help solve the problem of social isolation that often affects the families that access our services.

We have embraced the Resilience Revolution and are posting about a new Resilient Move every week. We hope that by signposting our families in this way we are helping them find ways to address problems using Resilient Moves.  For example, when we posted about getting “enough sleep” we shared links to tips on how to help your child sleep. When we wrote about “Good Housing” we told people where they could find information on housing benefits and tenants’ rights.

In this way, as part of the Resilience Revolution, we are building a Blackpool that is a more resilient place to live, work and grow up in, for everyone.

If your child has a disability or additional needs and you would like advice or support please visit our website or call 01253 206447 to find out how we can help.

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