Lots of cooking and developing life skills going on here at the Resilience Revolution. We know young people and families have been doing lots of baking, cooking and juicing! These cakes look delicious. We’d love to see some photos of things you have made on our social media channels. Don’t ...
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Today, Jemma is predicting a good experience of something new AND developing life skills as Natasha Lamb and Kelly-Ann begin teaching the Nation British Sign Language. Available Daily on Youtube at 1pm and can be found here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rR2Zb7TbiOA Why don’t you give it a try? #ResilientMoves
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We are a Revolution a group of parents and carers across Blackpool who come together on a regular basis to discuss matters that affect parents and carers in our town. We want you to join us to talk about what matters to you, and share your thoughts, feelings and ideas ...
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Parent co-leaders of the Resilience Revolution have been sharing their experiences of home schooling and put together some tips and inspiration that you can find here in Issue 2 of the Resilience Revolution guide to guide to staying resilient during the Coronavirus outbreak. The Parents of the Revolution know that ...
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For the first issue of their guide to staying resilient during the Coronavirus outbreak the co-leaders of the Resilience Revolution have put together information and ideas on what you can do if you are staying indoors. You can find loads of ideas on indoor activities, crafts and tips for supporting ...
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Resilience is the ability to bounce forward from tough times. The Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic is one of those tough times – affecting us all in different ways. In Blackpool the Resilience Revolution has created a free leaflet resource to introduce people to the Resilience Framework. Inside this Resilience Framework Resource are ...
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Ellie, a young co-leader of the Resilience Revolution shouts, “You have to try it, it’s amazing!” Ellie is telling the group about the wonders of banana bread and if you haven’t tried it, you should! As part of the Eco-Warriors group, we discuss how to reduce waste. This includes food ...
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We are currently going through one of the toughest times of a lifetime and it is really important that we support each other through this. With a lot of us doing now having to do our work from home, it is a big change and something we have to adapt ...
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A proud co-leader of the Resilience Revolution, Corron has worked hard with his family this weekend, using the items from the family packs provided by the Revolution to really highlight the achievements of people within his community. Corron has provided some photos for you to have a look at which ...
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Parents that of the revolution have been making lots of resilient moves already. We know this time of uncertainty will bring lots of different feelings for parents. Our parents have been getting organised and planning for the days ahead…… Parents have put together their top tips for staying resilient as ...
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