Healthy diet

Val Hutson on a healthy diet: As a Healthy Lifestyles Nutritionist in Blackpool I have the pleasure of talking to young people about a healthy diet and what an interesting, funny and resilient bunch I’ve come across. When primary school pupils were given the opportunity to build a healthier lunch ...

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Enough sleep

Lisa on bedtime routines: Probably the Resilience Move we all could relate too, especially new mums and teenagers! Try and implement a good bedtime routine, stick with it for 4 weeks to give your brain enough time to adjust to it.  Re-address anything that may be disturbing the routine and ...

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Play and hobbies

Brett Whitehead on Hobbies: The move ‘Play and Hobbies’ may sound simple, but it’s key for a well-balanced life. Things can get pretty intense from time to time. Making time with friends or doing a hobby is really important. Having fun helps improve your mood and releases endorphins (natural hormones that ...

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Good housing

Make the place you live your own! It is a basic human right to have good housing and a place where you can feel safe. Having our own personal space which we can organise as we like gives us comfort and is crucial to making us resilient. Watch the vlog ...

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Money to live

    Blackpool Carers Centre provide support to unpaid carers from the age of five living in Blackpool. For many carers support to ensure that they and their families are managing their finances well, accessing the benefits that they are entitled to, finding the right debt advice and helping them ...

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Not being judged

We all feel judged at some point or another. The good news is that there are things you can do and people who can help, chances are you will be more resilient than you realise because you have faced these challenges. Watch our new video below to learn about not ...

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