Blackpool Carers Centre provide support to unpaid carers from the age of five living in Blackpool. For many carers support to ensure that they and their families are managing their finances well, accessing the benefits that they are entitled to, finding the right debt advice and helping them to plan for their future are all vital in helping to manage their caring role.

Here at Blackpool Carers, we are very fortunate to have our own benefits advisor on the team, helping families to navigate benefit entitlements and completing forms with them. Having this specialist knowledge on the team means that our families can access the right guidance making finances one less thing for them to worry about.

In addition, we have facilitated money management sessions for our young people, providing them with skills and knowledge on how to budget effectively, how to open a bank account, dealing with applying for and managing a mortgage and saving for their future. All of these are valuable life skills, helping our young carers and their families to become more resilient and build a positive future.

If you are a young carer or know someone that is and would like advice or support please visit our website or call 01253 393748 to speak to the Young Carers team.

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