Talk to the people you care about! It’s important to have people that you can rely on for support, particularly during tough times, and talking to those people can be one of the best ways to help you. This could be people that you already have in your life such ...
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The move ‘Focus on good times and places’ helps our resilience by reminding ourselves how many special people we have around us and how many amazing places we can go to have good times. The Resilience Coaches recently took young people out to spend time with good people at Fleetwood ...
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Express your individuality! Finding our place in the world really helps us feel a sense of belonging. Check out the video below from Hannah and Kaden to learn about their story. From struggling from anxiety, Kaden talks about how he overcame his obstacles and gained the courage to express himself. ...
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Maintaining positive relationships can help make you feel good! Spending time with good people who care about you is key to making yourself feel good, this could be achieved by surrounding yourself with friends, family or classmates. Check out the video below to see some useful tips!
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Keeping positive relationships going helps you to feel a sense of belonging. Any relationship has its ups and downs, they are a bit like plants, they need looking after to grow, but if the person makes you feel good about yourself and helps you out when your down then it’s ...
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Trying new things can be scary! It can also be a great chance to make new friends, discover a hidden talent or find something new you enjoy. Watch our new video below to learn about predicting a good experience of someone or something new!
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